Inspiring places and unexpected encounters

Find a workplace that meets all of your needs and become part of the Seats2meet network.
What are you looking for?
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You'll never want to work anywhere else!
Enrich your knowledge, extend your network and create more opportunities. We offer you a free workplace and access to our global, active network of professionals with a broad range of expertise. You become part of our network and contribute your knowledge and time.
Free workplace
Free workplace
With us, you 'pay' through your skills and knowledge.
Inspiring content and events
Inspiring content and events
Share your story or read those of others in the online magazine, and visit or organize events
Book a workspace directly at an available location.
Large international knowledge network
Large international knowledge network
To ask all your knowledge questions and to enter into new collaborations.

You get

By contributing actively to the network with your knowledge and skills, you will of course receive a lot in return. Such as:

  • New, valuable connections
  • Opportunities to be involved in new, paid assignments
  • Access to network events

    By knowing who works at your location with what expertise, you know exactly who you can ask your questions to.

You give

So in exchange for the free workspace, we expect you to work in ways such as:

  • Helping others in the network by answering questions about things you are an expert in
  • Giving the location a helping hand, for example by showing a new coworker around or by assisting at the reception desk.
  • Post on social media about us, so your network can get to know us better

This is how you pay with what we call 'social capital'. Read more about social capital here .

Monday Meetup - Adventure 🇬🇧
Seats2meet Utrecht CS, Utrecht, Netherlands
Beyond Limits
Beyond Limits
June 5, 2024, 16:00
Seats2meet Tilburg LocHal, Tilburg, Netherlands
Workshop Quantum Human Design - Word Spelend Wijs!
Het Nut, Beesd, nl
What do our bookers say

What do our bookers say

Read all reviews
June 1, 2024
Meeting and co-working
Meeting and co-working
Meeting and co-working
Meeting and co-working
People checked in on location
People checked in on location